Pre-Charge Representations Lead to Discontinuance of Sexual Communications Case

After a two-year investigation the Metropolitan Police have discontinued an enquiry concerning BSQ’s client C, who was accused of sexual communication offences. The decision to close the case came after lengthy pre-charge representations were submitted on C’s behalf.

BSQ notes that – unfortunately – the two year wait for C’s fate to be determined, is not unusual in cases particularly where forensic data needs to be examined and analysed.  C’s experience highlights how the problem of delays within the criminal justice system is not just confined to those awaiting trial (Crown Court backlogs are at record levels) but also to the tens of thousands of individuals awaiting decisions under police investigation.


C, a City finance professional, retains his good character.


C was represented by BSQ partner, Roger Sahota, one of the country’s leading criminal defence solicitors.


You can read more about our specialism in defending individuals in cases of sexual misconduct on our practice page.


If you are accused of a sexual offence and require legal advice or representation please contact our London office.


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