London Criminal Solictors

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Success for Berkeley Square Solicitors in Contested Cash Seizure Proceedings

Berkeley Square solicitors have secured the return of in excess of £130,000 in a multi-party application challenging the seizure of cash in a British Transport Police investigation. Following a contested hearing at the City of London magistrates court on 20 April 2016 the order under section 295 of POCA 2002 for the retention of our clients’ cash was discharged on the basis that there had never been jurisdiction to make the original order.

DJ Goldring ordered that the cash seized from our clients after a police raid should be returned to them. Costs were also awarded to the claimants (a rare occurrence in these types of applications).

The solicitor conducting was Berkeley Square partner Roger Sahota. Counsel instructed was Rupert Bowers QC of Doughty Street Chambers. Earlier in the same investigation, Roger Sahota and Rupert Bowers had also succeeded in a judicial review claim against the BTP proceedings quashing the underlying search warrant.

You can read more about our the successes of our Cash Seizure Solicitors in handling these cases here.

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