London Criminal Solictors

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BSQ Press Release on Behalf of Yadi Zhang - May 24th 2024


Roger Sahota, the partner at Berkeley Square Solicitors who represents Ms Zhang, stated:

“Yadi Zhang categorically denies the allegations of fraud levelled against her in China. In 2017 she had to flee China in secret due to a government crackdown on successful crypto entrepreneurs causing her to fear unjust arrest, mistreatment, and the unlawful seizure of her assets. She came to the United Kingdom believing this country would provide her with refuge from persecution by the Chinese authorities.

Ms Zhang does not accept that the information received by the Metropolitan Police from the Chinese authorities is either accurate or true. She maintains that her substantial holdings of bitcoin, acquired through lawful means have made her a target for the Chinese Government.

During the trial of Jian Wen the evidence from China was never challenged. That will soon change.”

Commenting on the impact of the case for anyone with cryptocurrency holdings Mr Sahota said:

“This case raises wider questions for anyone with BTC or cryptocurrency holdings. We dispute that because an individual holds a significant quantity of BTC or crypto it can somehow be safely inferred that this was derived from criminal conduct. Such an assertion fails to acknowledge how BTC and cryptocurrencies can be generated and traded.”

For questions, and a copy of the full press release please email Berkeley Square Solicitors

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Companies or individuals requiring advice on AML and KYC compliance measures or pending investigations or prosecutions in the crypto industry should contact our London offices on (020) 3858 0851