News & Briefings

BSQ Instructed in Two New Search Warrant Challenges
BSQ is presently acting in two search warrant challenges arising from complex and high profile for police investigations.

BSQ Partner Daniel Godden Writes for Blackstones Criminal Practice 2019
BSQ partner Daniel Godden has been commissioned to contribute to Blackstone’s Criminal Practice 2019.

Health and Safety Prosecution Discontinued After BSQ Intervention
A large scale health and safety prosecution by Westminster Council has been discontinued following an intervention by BSQ solicitors.

Another Search Warrant Success for BSQ
BSQ have settled a claim for judicial review in relation to the conduct of a state investigative agency and their search of our client’s premises.

BSQ Briefing – Sexting, Children and the Law
In January 2016 the Home Office introduced a new type of disposal for cases where young people were accused of sexting i.e. distributing sexual imagery by social media or some other form of electronic communication.

Leave Granted to Amicus Team Including BSQ Partner in Radovan Karadzic War Crimes Case
Leave has been granted to a team of academics and practitioners including BSQ partner Roger Sahota who have filed a legal motion challenging the application of JCE (Joint Criminal Enterprise) theory at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the other ad hoc tribunals.

Directors Criminal Prosecution Diverted After BSQ Intervention
BSQ Fraud specialists Daniel Godden and Roger Sahota recently advised a company director accused of misappropriating company assets.

BSQ Success in Indecent Images Crown Court Acquittal
Another success for BSQ’s private crime department in an indecent images prosecution.

BSQ instructed in Potential Landmark Police Powers Challenge
BSQ has been instructed in a potentially ground breaking judicial review of police powers on behalf of a media company.

Amicus Team including BSQ partner files Appeal in Radovan Karadavic Case
BSQ partner Roger Sahota is part of a team of academics and practitioners who have filed a challenge to the law governing the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and other ad hocs tribunal.

Indecent Images Prosecution Discontinued
In another notable result for our private crime department we have been notified that the police have discontinued an indecent images investigation.

Court of Appeal Reviews Sentencing Guidelines in Downloading Indecent Images Cases
BSQ partner Roger Sahota comments on a recent important Court of Appeal decision - R v Pinkerton [2017] EWCA Crim 38 - in which the Court reviewed the operation of sentencing guidelines in downloading indecent images cases.

City Professional Cleared of Assault
Following an intervention and pre-charge representations by BSQ’s private client department partner Roger Sahota a police investigation into an allegation of assault against our client, a senior city finance professional has been discontinued.

Immigration Adviser Cleared in Regulatory Prosecution
BSQ’s private client department reports another success.

Tougher Penalties For Internet Piracy – Digital Economy Act 2017
Illegal downloading and file sharing is now rife.

Private Client Success - CPS Discontinue Case Against Professional Client
BSQ can report another successful outcome for our private client department.

Online Justice Proposals for Fare Evasion Prosecutions Dropped
With the General Election looming, a lack of parliamentary time has forced the Government to drop proposals for those charged with fare evasion to be tried online.

India Extradition – Closing Submissions
After a week long hearing before the Westminster Magistrates Court, closing submissions have concluded in BSQ’s contested fraud extradition case concerning a request made by the Government of India.

Roger Sahota appears at ICTY War Crimes Appeal
BSQ partner Roger Sahota is due to appear at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) next week to deliver closing submissions in the appeal against sentence and conviction of Berislav Pusic.

BSQ Briefing - Indecent Images - Time to reform the Law?
For more information about our indecent images specialisation visit our indecent images practice page.