BSQ Instructed in High-Profile FCA Insider Dealing Prosecution
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BSQ have been instructed in a major Financial Conduct Authority prosecution of alleged insider dealing in the City of London.
BSQ represents one of five individuals accused of Conspiracy to Commit Insider Dealing and Money Laundering charges. The FCA alleges that confidential inside information from an analyst employed at brokers Jonas Henderson was relied on to profit from a series of trades between the 17th of December 2019 and the 25th of March 2021 using derivative products such as Contacts for Difference” in relation to 49 different companies.
The trial is fixed for 2025 with an estimated duration of 16 weeks.
BSQ Partners Roger Sahota and Daniel Godden are acting in the case.
Renowned as one of the most tenacious criminal lawyers in practice in London Daniel specialises in serious fraud and regulatory crime and is one of the founding partners of Berkeley Square Solicitors.
If you wanted any more about Daniel‘s practice please visit his profile page here.
You can read more about our expertise in defending serious fraud cases here.
If you require advice and assistance in relation to a serious criminal fraud regulatory investigation or prosecution please contact our London offices.