News & Briefings

Roger Sahota Lectures Law Society on International Criminal Law and ECHR
Roger Sahota was invited together with prof. William Schabas to lecture the Law Society on the intersection between international criminal law and the work of the European Court of Human rights.

Al-Jazeera Interviews Roger Sahota on Human Rights Situation in Egypt
Following a press conference to announce the findings of the ICFR human rights delegation to Egypt between 11-15 October 2015, Roger Sahota was interviewed on Al-jazeera English and Arabic and Arabic as well as many other media outlets.

Egypt Human Rights Mission 11-15 October 2014
Roger Sahota was invited to attend a Human Rights Mission to Egypt from the 11-15 October 2014.

Roger Sahota Addresses International Advocacy Conference
Roger Sahota was invited to speak at a conference of International Advocacy Trainers organised by the Nottingham Trent Law School.

Roger Sahota Instructed in War Crimes Investigation
Roger Sahota has been instructed in a groundbreaking high profile historical domestic war crimes investigation conducted by S015.

Roger Sahota Admitted to ICC List of Counsel
Under Regulation 73.1 of the Regulations of the International Criminal Court, the Registrar of the Court maintains a roster of Counsel included in the List of Counsel, who are available at any time to represent any person before the Court, or to represent the interests of the defence.

In Conversation with Iain Morley QC - Special Tribunal for Lebanon
On the 5th February 2014 I chaired an interesting discussion with Iain Morley QC on the Special Tribunal for the Lebanon.

Waya – What if the Minority View had Prevailed?
The Supreme Court’s (SC) judgment in Waya ([2013] 1 A.C. 294) has been rightly lauded as a landmark decision in the field of post-conviction confiscation. It concerned a mortgage fraud which is dealt with below.

I have just returned from organising the International Advocacy Course of the Human Rights Committee of the Law Society from the 3rd to 6th October 2013 in Diyabakir, Turkey.